Gardeners get ready! Once again it is time for the annual Nature Club Plant Sale, held just before the start of the regular May meeting.
First, we hope that you will find lots of “just the right plants” there to fill out your garden at home – and buy them. The proceeds go to the club and its programs.
We also hope that you will help to supply some of those “just the right plants” for other members to find. As you are out in your gardens this spring please keep an eye out for plants you can share -– perennials that need dividing, “volunteers” in the wrong spot, extra seeds you have collected, shrubs – whatever you think someone would enjoy in their garden.
Don’t worry about the selling – we will take care of that – just pot them up and bring them along with you —clearly marked, please. We try to keep the “Mystery Plants” to a minimum! Much of what we sell comes right from our own members.
This sale is open to the public so please tell family and friends.
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