About Us
Our Mission
Established in 1949, GCNC is a completely volunteer, IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, with a mission to promote sound conservation practices and educate about nature and the environment in the hope if you understand and cherish nature you will want to save it. We strive to develop young people’s interest in wildlife and its conservation and to identify and call attention to urgent problems in Gloucester County and our region. Our programs, special events and field trips are free and we welcome all.
Quality Experiences and People
The club offers excellent monthly programs and organizes special events in all seasons of the year like Bird Quest, Firefly Festival, Mad Hatters Tree Party, and Audubon Christmas Bird Count.
We welcome ideas and experiences to further our mission to engage youth, keep our communities vibrant and healthy and raise awareness of the benefits of time spent outdoors. If you have a suggestion or idea, please reach out to us via email.
Members conduct workshops across the US telling the Monarch butterfly’s story. Visit the Monarch Teachers Network for more info and resources.
Club Accomplishments
The Gloucester County Nature Club (GCNC) is founded by a small group of residents with a common interest in the natural world to promote sound conservation practices and to educate others in the community about nature and the environment.
GCNC initiated and led preservation of Ceres Park as a wildlife sanctuary in Mantua. It is currently partnering with Mantua Township and Rowan University to celebrate Ceres as the first place in the world where a Tyrannosauroid dinosaur was found
Holds an Energy Exposition highlighting conservation.
Gloucester County Bird Quest is held as a fun and educational event for anyone wanting to learn about birds and the natural places in Gloucester County.
Organizes the first County-wide Environmental Commissions Conference. Club members also serve on their local Environmental Commissions. GCNC becomes an IRC 501c3 tax exempt organization.
Involved in preservation efforts for Monarch butterflies. Sponsor of the Monarch Teacher Network, members conduct workshops in the US and Canada telling the Monarch’s story, sharing information and resources.
1st East Coast Vulture Festival is held in Wenonah celebrating the clean-up role vultures play in our environment. The festival offered free guided walks, a Children’s Fair and live bird demonstrations. It was an annual event until 2013 when the vulture roost relocated.
Club self-publishes the Natural Places of Gloucester County guide book with detailed information about the plants, trees, birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians at 35 local Natural Places. Directions, parking info, and a map of each site were included.
Club and individual members begin working to preserve and fundraise for the old Eagles Nest golf course to be preserved as Tall Pines State Preserve, Gloucester County’s first and only state park. The club remains vitally involved with the park.
GCNC organizes and holds a Firefly Festival in Tall Pines State Preserve.
The Gloucester County Nature Club celebrates its 70th year of community service.
2nd Edition of Natural Places of Gloucester County published
Participated in the first Pitman bio blitz including a nighttime moth demonstration and publishes a collection of news columns by noted naturalist, Karl Anderson, Observations by a Field Naturalist of Southern NJ.
Interested in becoming a member? We’d love to have you!
The Gloucester County Nature Club is a non-profit, volunteer-led organization that depends on annual membership revenue to fund our activities. Our meetings, field trips, and most events are free and they are open to the public. None of our leadership positions are paid.
Please consider joining us at one of our membership levels. The only difference is how you receive our monthly newsletter:
- $20 annually to receive the newsletter electronically to one or two email addresses in your household.
- $25 annually to receive the newsletter in printed form instead of email. Last-minute announcements may be made by email only.
President: Karen Kravchuck
Vice President: Barry Bengel
Treasurer: Scott Barnes
Secretary: Jayne Rhynard
Programs Coordinator: Richard Dilks
Field Trip Coordinator: Jayne Rhynard
Publicity: Karen Kravchuck
Newsletter Editor: Barry Bengel
Webmaster: Scott Barnes
Community Events: Jackie Partridge
Educational Outreach: Kris Mollenhauer
Special Projects: Erik Mollenhauer
Monarch Teacher Network: Erik Mollenhauer
Audubon Christmas Count Compiler: Ron Kegel